Alissa White-Gluz. The Agonist
2013-09-22 14:57:52
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Nie mam fotek to daję Alissę. Wokalistkę zespołu The Agonist. Jest to metalowy zespół. I allisa robi świetne screamo. puściłam mamie i my ślała że to facet. oczywko jakiś gostek tez tam robi screamo ale wtedy to ona była.
Sobie pisałam wczoraj z Marcinem.
jego tekst "w naszej wspaniałej szkole jest dużo złoży plastiku"
Może i jest duzo, znam osobiście dużo źródeł.
On mi polecił dużo fajnych zespołów tego typu co The Agonist. Slayer. Eluveitie. Parkway Drive.
Nie chce mi się wypisywac bo koło 30 jest. paru wcale nie znalazłam. ale pościągałam parę nutek.
Korn sobie odpuściłam bo są słabi.
Najbardziej się przekonałam do The Agonist i Trivium.
Polecam wam te zespoły.
No to ja lecę.
oglądnijcie. fazowy image. Alissa zajebiście zmieniła wygląd Julii. Też tak chcę
to pa
Gość: Q7pKs4gBB22
128 miesięcy temu
Hey OldHippieGreat story! I hope you don't mind that I posted it on Cannabis Culture. I cpliped the entire article (which is traditionally how we do it to make a long-term record) and put a link back to the site but if you would prefer we just quote the piece instead, please let me know. Keep up the great work! If you are interested, we should talk about having you write future stories for CC.
Gość: Hey OldHippieGreat story! I hope you don't mind that I posted it on Cannabis Culture. I cpliped the entire article (which is traditionally how we do it to make a long-term record) and put a link back to the site but if you would prefer we just quote the piece instead, please let me know. Keep up the great work! If you are interested, we should talk about having you write future stories for CC.
Gość: YOfcren0
128 miesięcy temu
The correct anwesr is C. Graphs of this nature display two important characteristics about a drug in a given reaction its potency and its efficacy. Potency is used to describe the amount of drug needed to produce a given effect. A drug with high potency will be given at a lower dose to produce the same effect as a drug with low potency. On the graph, more potent drugs are located toward the left (indicating lower doses). Efficacy is a property intrinsic to a drug that reflects how well it generates a response on binding to its receptor. A drug that is highly efficacious will better generate a response than the comparable quantity of a less efficacious drug. On the graph, more efficacious drugs are located toward the top (indicating higher maximal effects). Using this framework, we can now understand the definition of a noncompetitive antagonist. Antagonist indicates that it will decrease the efficacy of the drug in question. The fact that it is noncompetitive means that it cannot be overcome (or “out-competed”) simply by adding more of the agonist drug. Molecularly, a competitive antagonist is one that resembles the agonist and thus can fill up receptor sites that the agonist would normally bind. A noncompetitive antagonist does not bind to the same receptor as the agonist. Instead, it binds to the receptor to change its conformation, so that when the agonist binds, it is less able to do its job (decreased efficacy). This phenomenon is displayed by curve C in the graph, which will never reach the same height (efficacy) as the agonist administered alone.
Gość: The correct anwesr is C. Graphs of this nature display two important characteristics about a drug in a given reaction its potency and its efficacy. Potency is used to describe the amount of drug needed to produce a given effect. A drug with high potency will be given at a lower dose to produce the same effect as a drug with low potency. On the graph, more potent drugs are located toward the left (indicating lower doses). Efficacy is a property intrinsic to a drug that reflects how well it generates a response on binding to its receptor. A drug that is highly efficacious will better generate a response than the comparable quantity of a less efficacious drug. On the graph, more efficacious drugs are located toward the top (indicating higher maximal effects). Using this framework, we can now understand the definition of a noncompetitive antagonist. Antagonist indicates that it will decrease the efficacy of the drug in question. The fact that it is noncompetitive means that it cannot be overcome (or “out-competed”) simply by adding more of the agonist drug. Molecularly, a competitive antagonist is one that resembles the agonist and thus can fill up receptor sites that the agonist would normally bind. A noncompetitive antagonist does not bind to the same receptor as the agonist. Instead, it binds to the receptor to change its conformation, so that when the agonist binds, it is less able to do its job (decreased efficacy). This phenomenon is displayed by curve C in the graph, which will never reach the same height (efficacy) as the agonist administered alone.
Gość: michalMi
127 miesięcy temu
Fajna strona, nawet ciekawy wpis, dodam se do ulubionych niech strace :)
Gość: Fajna strona, nawet ciekawy wpis, dodam se do ulubionych niech strace :)
Gość: kamilMi
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słuchałem tego zajebistego gówna, i też myślałem, że to On śpiewa a nie Ona :D
infallible: słuchałem tego zajebistego gówna, i też myślałem, że to On śpiewa a nie Ona :D